Welcome to CigarLocator: A Journey into the World of Cigars
Greetings, fellow cigar enthusiasts! My name is RayRayRay Tan, and I’ve been on an incredible cigar journey spanning nearly 40 years. I wouldn’t call myself a cigar influencer; instead, I’m a cigar explorer, adventurer, and discoverer—venturing boldly into the rich and nuanced world of cigars, always seeking out new experiences and stories to share.
This special guide, born in the vibrant city of Phnom Penh, celebrates a smoking scene that has welcomed me with open arms. The cigar culture here is as rich and diverse as the city itself, filled with unique lounges, compelling personalities, and a camaraderie that binds us all.
What to Expect from CigarLocator
Every week, I’ll share insights into the cigar lounges I visit. These blog posts will include:
- Detailed reviews of each lounge, including smoking rules and the availability of proper tools.
- Information on whether cigars are sold on-site (and recommendations for excellent suppliers if they are not).
- Anecdotes, updates, and news from the cigar world.
- Spotlights on the personalities shaping the cigar business, from lounge owners to aficionados.
For a venue to be featured as a cigar lounge, it must meet specific criteria: clear smoking rules, proper equipment, and an atmosphere that respects and celebrates the art of cigar smoking.
A Guide for Enthusiasts, Explorers, and Aficionados
CigarLocator is not just about listing venues; it’s about creating connections and sharing the joy of this beautiful craft. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or new to the world of cigars, this guide is for you.
Join me each week as we explore Phnom Penh’s cigar scene and, in time, venture beyond. Together, we’ll discover the places, people, and stories that make the cigar experience so extraordinary.
Stay tuned for our first review next week. Let the adventure begin!
Smoke well, my friends,
RayRayRay Tan
Cigar Explorer | CigarLocator.vip