Cohiba Atmosphere Phnom Penh, inside Raffles Hotel Le Royal, offers a curated selection of Cuban cigars, premium accessories, and luxurious spaces for all cigar enthusiasts. From exclusive Behike cigars to exceptional service, this lounge defines cigar culture in the city.
Habana Angkor Hotel blends Cuban charm with Cambodian serenity. Enjoy cigars, nine-ball, dominoes, and the famed hospitality of Mr. Yorlan Velazquez, known for his Cuba Libre and Latin dance lessons. A perfect retreat for cigar lovers and culture seekers in Siem Reap.
Mayazon blends vibrant nightlife with a passion for cigars in the heart of Phnom Penh. Enjoy premium cigars, live entertainment, and exceptional service in a thoughtfully designed two-story venue.
If you’re seeking a cozy spot to unwind with a premium cigar in hand, look no further than The Cigar Room at Freebird Bar & Grill. Located in the heart of Phnom Penh, this inviting lounge combines comfort, character, and community, making it a must-visit destination for cigar enthusiasts.