Explore Phnom Penh’s newest addition to the cigar scene. With private VIP rooms, an open-air courtyard, and a curated selection of Cuban cigars, Cigar World promises a refined experience for discerning smokers. Stay tuned for our full review post-soft opening.
Cohiba Atmosphere Phnom Penh, inside Raffles Hotel Le Royal, offers a curated selection of Cuban cigars, premium accessories, and luxurious spaces for all cigar enthusiasts. From exclusive Behike cigars to exceptional service, this lounge defines cigar culture in the city.
Located on Phnom Penh’s riverside, ZD Club redefines cigar luxury with its exclusive membership, curated selections, and private amenities. A haven for aficionados, it combines sophistication with rare features like the Trinidad 50th Anniversary Humidor.
Mayazon blends vibrant nightlife with a passion for cigars in the heart of Phnom Penh. Enjoy premium cigars, live entertainment, and exceptional service in a thoughtfully designed two-story venue.
Mufasa Restaurant & Cigar Club debuted with a grand opening event that drew dignitaries, diplomats, and cigar enthusiasts. With its bold two-story humidor, spacious lounge, and vibrant atmosphere, Mufasa sets a striking tone in Phnom Penh's cigar scene.