Mayazon blends vibrant nightlife with a passion for cigars in the heart of Phnom Penh. Enjoy premium cigars, live entertainment, and exceptional service in a thoughtfully designed two-story venue.
Mufasa Restaurant & Cigar Club debuted with a grand opening event that drew dignitaries, diplomats, and cigar enthusiasts. With its bold two-story humidor, spacious lounge, and vibrant atmosphere, Mufasa sets a striking tone in Phnom Penh's cigar scene.
If you’re seeking a cozy spot to unwind with a premium cigar in hand, look no further than The Cigar Room at Freebird Bar & Grill. Located in the heart of Phnom Penh, this inviting lounge combines comfort, character, and community, making it a must-visit destination for cigar enthusiasts.
Embark on a cigar journey with RayRayRay Tan as he explores Cambodia’s vibrant cigar scene. Discover the best lounges, news, and personalities in the world of cigars.