First Look: Baron at Grand La Vogue Hotel, Sihanoukville

First Look: Baron at Grand La Vogue Hotel, Sihanoukville

Sihanoukville’s cigar scene is witnessing a shift, with the addition of Baron at the Grand La Vogue Hotel & Casino. Positioned within one of the city’s most modern establishments, Baron aims to attract discerning smokers with its luxury atmosphere and Japanese influence. As the cigar market in Sihanoukville evolves, Baron seeks to position itself as a standout destination for aficionados.

Notable changes in the region include the transformation of Domrei Lounge at the Novotel into the Cigar Wall, now managed by Pacific Cigar, and the removal of cigar-friendly amenities at Prince Beach Club. Amidst these shifts, Baron seeks to carve its niche in Sihanoukville.

Changes in Sihanoukville’s Cigar Scene

  • Domrei Lounge to Cigar Wall: Effective January 25, 2025, the former Domrei Lounge transitions to the Cigar Wall, promising a premium experience under Pacific Cigar’s management.
  • Prince Beach Club: Once a hub for cigar enthusiasts, the venue now lacks essential cigar-friendly tools and accessories, raising concerns among the community.
  • Baron: Positioned within the Grand La Vogue, Baron differentiates itself with attentive service, a Japanese bartender, and a focus on high-quality cigars and cocktails.

Baron: A New Addition

Location and Setting

Baron is located on the second floor of the Grand La Vogue Hotel & Casino, a high-end establishment in Sihanoukville. The bar’s sophisticated design and focus on hospitality aim to create a standout experience in a competitive market.

Initial Impressions


The bar’s interior blends contemporary design with Japanese influences, creating a setting ideal for cigar enthusiasts. While the lounge offers premium touches, the steep pricing for beverages may pose a challenge to its appeal.


The Japanese bartender’s precision and skill are notable highlights, bringing a sense of artistry to the venue. However, the high pricing of drinks might limit its accessibility to local cigar enthusiasts.

Sihanoukville’s Market Dynamics

Baron enters a market with modest competition, including Level 22 Rooftop Lounge and the forthcoming Cigar Wall at the Novotel. With the Grand La Vogue’s casino on-site, Baron’s pricing strategy appears tailored to high rollers and international visitors.

Contact Information

What’s Next?

This first look provides a snapshot of Baron’s potential. A full review will follow after the lounge establishes its operations, with insights into:

  • Cigar selections and beverage options.
  • Comparative value against other venues.
  • Special events and offerings that define its identity in Sihanoukville’s cigar culture.

Disclaimer: All information is accurate as of this writing but may be subject to change. For the latest updates, please contact Baron directly or follow CigarLocator.

RayRayRay Tan

RayRayRay Tan

A cigar explorer with four decades of experience, uncovering Cambodia’s finest lounges, personalities, and stories. Founder of CigarLocator, connecting the vibrant cigar community.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia